Google constantly examines billions of URLs to make sure that they are safe for browsing. The search engine giant regularly discovers thousands of unsafe sites, many of which are legitimate though compromised. When unsafe websites are detected, Google shows warnings for users in browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. The Web helps us to locate, retrieve and display content like web pages, images and videos on the World Wide Web.
Unsafe Sites
You can easily find whether a website is branded currently as dangerous or not as shown on the figure below.
You can also view at the advise given by clicking on the further information icon located at the top left corner of the address bar (look at the figure).
Safe Sites
So how can a safe website be identified? The safe site can easily be spotted by its padlock symbol at the top left corner of the address bar as depicted on the figure below, usually in green colour.
Another way of knowing a safe site is whether the https protocol preceded a domain name on the address bar as shown in the following figure. The ‘https’ is an acronym for Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure. HTTPS is a secure version of the standard web transfer protocol (HTTP). The protocol adds security layer on the data in transit through a secure socket layer (SSL) or transport layer security (TLS) protocol connection.
You can also get further information about the site by clicking on padlock symbol in a similar way discussed before (as shown in the below figure).
These are the minimum browsing security tips you should be aware of whether you are a web owner or a visitor.
Advice for Owners
If you own a website branded as dangerous, you are risking the privacy of your website visitors. An attacker can easily find web visitors credentials to perform criminal actions. As a website owner, you are legally liable for keeping the privacy of your customers. In addition, your website’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) ranking is being downgraded. Consequently, you are losing visitors and potential customers, which you wouldn’t want to see happening. The fate of such dangerous site does not just stop here. Your privilege and control on your site is minimal and hence your website is in a state of being hacked any time. This requires urgent mitigation scheme.
As Cyber Security Consultants and Web Designers, we have everything to get you on the web securely from one place to beat such adversaries. We recommend, provide, design, setup the latest cyber security solutions and monitor your business home on the web 24/7.
Advice for Visitors
Our advice for visitors is to keep yourselves away from such unsafe and dangerous sites. Visit our earlier posts to find details of advises regarding securing your computing devices and precautions you need to take. Click on the link.